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A move to replace the Management Council by the club’s Registered Trustees has been rebuffed by the President, Mr Seyi Adewunmi and his team.

A Federal High Court sitting in Lagos on the leadership dispute rocking the Lagos Country Club last Thursday adjourned for the report of settlement and ordered all parties to maintain the status quo pending when the parties will resolve their dispute as proposed by both sides.  A move to replace the Management Council by the club’s Registered Trustees has been rebuffed by the President, Mr Seyi Adewunmi and his team. Justice Ambrose Lewis-Allagoa adjourned the case to the 6th of July in a suit marked FHC/L/CS/321/24 between The Registered Trustees of Lagos Country Club and Mr Seyi Adewunmi and other members of the Management Council to June 25 for the report of settlement. At the resumption of hearing of hearing last Thursday, Dr Kemi Pinheiro (SAN) appeared for the Plaintiffs while Mr Dele Adesina (SAN) appeared for the Defendants except the 3rd and 15th Defendants. Mr G.K. Adelusi appeared for the 3rd Defendant while Babatunde Fasanu (SAN) appeared for himself as the 15th Defendant. Adesina informed the Court that he had gone through the papers filed in the matter and he believed opinion that this case and sister cases can be resolved amicably between the parties.

Emphasizing that the parties are members of the same family even as ‘mouth and tongue’ do quarrel. “I do not see any reason why parties cannot sit down with the guidance of their Counsels to settle this case. The Club is 75 years old,” he said.

Adesina (SAN) informed the Court that his learned Silk and brother Dr Kemi Pinheiro (SAN) agreed with the application to resolve the dispute between the parties. “In the circumstance, I seek your lordship to give us a date for the parties and Counsels to meet and explore an amicable settlement,” he said.

The court had at its sitting on March 14, 2024, adjourned the hearing of the suit on the leadership dispute rocking the club to June 2, 2024. The suit was filed by the Management Council of the club against the Registered Trustees over their plan to inaugurate an Interim Management Committee to replace the council.

The Judge’s decision followed an application for adjournment by the Defence counsel, Dr. Kemi Pinheiro (SAN), to enable the defendants to file responses to the plaintiff’s originating summons and motion on notice for interlocutory injunction.

In the suit marked FHC/L/CS/301/2024, the president of the club and nine others had on February 23, 2024, in an ex-parte motion filed by their counsel, A. B. Ogunsusi, obtained an interim injunction restraining the defendants from dissolving the Club’s Management Council.

At the March 14, 2024 hearing, the court also restrained the defendants from inaugurating a caretaker committee as replacement pending the hearing and determination of the interlocutory application.

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